
Credo Theory of Music

Training Programmes

Credo Theory of Music

Write your own songs!

Credo Theory of Music

Be literate in music

Credo Theory of Music

Pass your music exams with great success

Credo Theory of Music

Extend your repertoire on your own

Credo Theory of Music

Analise  and really understand music


Ek studeer tans by Trinity (London) en het gevind dat die Credo reeks ‘n uitstekende hulpmiddel is vir my studies. Ek het al meermale ‘n glimlag op my gesig gehad as ek iets moes opsoek wat onduidelik en / of moeilik was en ek vind hierdie breedvoerige verduideliking in een van my Credo boeke.

Hierdie Credo reeks is regtig deeglik en met sorg saamgestel / geskryf.

H. Smit

“Thank you for this wonderful manual which has helped me understand so well. I have tried other books – all have left me frustrated and confused. Your series has been my grounding.”


“My learners enjoy your books very much. It is convenient and comprehensively compiled for them to work on their own and to solve a problem”

Rix van der Ahee.

“I find the books EXCELLENT! I cannot explain the work better. The learners also enjoy it so much!”

Elsa Erasmus

“It was and still is the GREATEST investment of my life! Thank you very much.”

J. Bekker

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all contributing to these revered and exceptional programmes – I am enjoying every minute!”

Nadia Sanerra.

“Credo is the best thing next to a microwave oven!”

Rika Steenkamp